Members with Birthdays on 10-18-2012
Studebaker1964 (65), bobbyj49 (63), MyWoodie (59), James Edward Lucas (58), Jldart (58), jcevallos (54), kusumah (53), Veronica De Leon (52), soulger (52), Suggabear (51), cwahlen (50), aleksandrs (47), Briansbarkery (47), BigTexan (46), 71C10SWB (45), CMonroe (45), Ind35tructible1 (44), mjm4jc (44), LuLuBell666 (42), Gabor (40), MadMark73 (39), froeman (39), DGreen (39), Trelane (38), Ijazm (36), frankgvc (35), Christina Jones Reddick (34), Michael Barth (33), giappo1979 (33), Rick364t5 (31), Rick N Rach Gritzback (31), Jessehasadream (31), Jerritt88 (31), Mason_geek (30), ardede83 (29), Aesthetikz (28), Chimyra 'Chi' Dow (28), budufu (27), dalivision (27), Dtscott86 (26), Alex1986 (26), cansinkurt (26), enewsome2 (25), Sybring (24), nhuquynhwq (22), minhchausky (22), vuapudung (22), dangsakair (22), trankamiki (22), kidakamiki (22), lamskamiki (22), linhthaotaki (22), firworkiwis (22), thanhhuongkis (22), maitakired (22), lequyengist (22), thienmys (22), lequyetaki (22), congtangiu (22), thaonhile (22), hoangthange (22), minhhienex (22), thuyqucks (22), nhonquck (22), tamtkhonex (22), thuhoaiex (22), cuongtuck (22), hoquytans (22), tacnhienz (22), levantrangx (22), suringuyenz (22), trunghieusz (22), suongtranvusz (22), ngabangbez (22), hungheroz (22), trangtiensz (22), quangquacz (22), thienkimsz (22), quynhchika (22), khacvietz (22), yenvyoanh (22), duyphonglyz (22), tranmogun (22), kieulevuong (22), thanhcongp (22), dungthutic (22), dangsangy (22), kimquythanhz (22), haokietz (22), quyphongsx (22), trandinhdinh (22), ceridwenes (22), ngosonhai (22), hadongminh (22), dannhitran (22), tulenhmang (22), dancaduong (22), hatayvuong (22), chuongmacmac (22), hoaminhtuyet (22), minhtuyetvuong (22), hientienly1 (22), yenhantich (22), vuonghoangly (22), khanhsyvuong (22), vanthuavu (22), nguyenthychi (22), lamtrungsky (22), kientranly (22), giangcuongsu (22), lanhuongtrrs (22), lanhuongtris (22), minhchisu (22), andrewprice (21), Chin0 (21), samsonite22 (20), m88city..5 (13), LPPTPV (9)
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